After being misdiagnosed three times, Clare suffered brain damage which will affect her for the rest of her life.
She also had to undergo major brain surgery which is likely to have saved her life.
Following surgery, Clare had to learn how to walk and speak again. Her short term memory is permanently damaged, and she suffers from disorientation. The life changing effects of her brain injury have also meant that she was forced to give up her job as a psychiatric nurse. Thompsons Solicitors helped Clare with her medical negligence claims.
Clare said: “I became extremely angry about what had happened to me. I had to give up my work. It was a job I loved…and I miss the friends I used to work with.
“Thompsons…were magnificent. They were very thorough at going into all our costs arising from what happened to me. And, of course, they had the same thoroughness at projecting my future needs and those costs.
“I was extremely pleased with the settlement and I try to be optimistic that I can make some more progress. My goal is to become more independent.”