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We’re proud of the work we do to bring tens of thousands of personal injury cases to a successful conclusion each year, refusing to represent insurance companies and only standing up for the rights of the injured and mistreated. Use the filters below to read the latest news from across Thompsons.

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Serious Injury

Barnsley amputee sets sights on giving back to the community after securing payout

Thompsons Solicitors and URTU secured substantial compensation for a l...

Inquest finds visual interference to blame for the death of BA Engineer who died at Heathrow

Thompsons Solicitors has supported the family of Mr Coles in a recent ...

Legal success leads to five prosthetic legs for Essex motorbike enthusiast

Thompsons Solicitors secured a seven-figure settlement for a machine o...

Contractor fined £350,000 for worker's amputation injury

Morgan Prosser had to have his arm amputated after a serious workplace...

Thompsons welcomes judgment supporting accommodation funding for seriously injured

A landmark Court of Appeal judgment has ruled that victims of serious ...

Thompsons’ commitment to brain injury survivors recognised with charity award

Thompsons Solicitors has been awarded the ‘Trustees’ Special Award’ by...

Thompsons Solicitors joins calls for greater awareness of brain injuries

Thompsons Solicitors is taking part in the first meeting of the West M...

Birmingham children severely burned by faulty fan win seven-year legal battle against Curry’s

Thompsons Solicitors acted for a family whose home caught fire due to ...

Balfour Beatty and London Underground ordered to pay more than £400,000 after employee crushed due to safety failures

We represented our client against Balfour Beatty and the London Underg...