Who is responsible for covering the cost of legal fees
At the end of the case, there will be costs incurred from representing you in the claim. At Thompsons, we offer a ‘no win, no fee’ agreement, which means that if your claim is unsuccessful, you will not have to pay a contingency fee for your lawyer’s services. If your claim is successful, we only take up to, but never more than, 25% of the final compensation amount, whereas other law firms will take larger deductions.
If you are a trade union member, contact your representative for more information about the cost of legal fees. You can learn more about our fees and payment options here.
What is the time limit for making a claim?
There is a medical negligence claims time limit of three years from the date of the injury or diagnosis, or from the time you believe that your symptoms were caused by medical negligence or treatment that caused you an injury. If you were given surgical treatment years ago and decades later it transpired that the treatment you had received was incorrect or breaching guidelines, then you would be entitled to make a claim, as long as you started that claim within three years of being told about the negligence.