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Amputation Claims

Our solicitors can help you make a claim for amputation compensation.

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Amputation Claims

Losing a limb does not mean losing your independence.

Our amputation claims team has helped thousands of people to positively adapt their lifestyles following an amputation.

Whether your amputation was the result of a workplace accident, road traffic accident or medical negligence, our expert team of amputation solicitors will work with you to understand your situation and build a solid case for amputation compensation.


Why trust Thompsons Solicitors with your amputation compensation claim?

At Thompsons, we understand that adapting your surroundings with modified cars and housing is not only expensive, but daunting too. On top of that, there is the cost of any medical treatment or prosthetics and decisions to be made about what the best options are.

We can help advise you on the support or modifications you may need and ensure that they are included as part of your amputation claim. We will also put you in touch with an expert support team so that you can access these services with ease.

If you wish to claim for loss of limb compensation, contact our specialist team of amputation solicitors on 0800 0 224 224. Alternatively, complete our online claim form to start your amputation claim.

Talk to Us

Are you, or is a member of your family, a current or retired member of a trade union?

Time limits apply to bringing personal injury claims, to find out more read our guide here

Please read our privacy policy here.

Our Amputation Claims Solicitors

We understand how devastating a serious injury can be. If you’re ready to talk about your case, one of our amputation claims lawyers would be happy to help.

Call us on 0800 0 224 224
 Samantha Hemsley

Samantha Hemsley

Head of Serious Injury

Samantha is head of serious injury and supervises teams across the UK.

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Helen Shakespeare

Helen Shakespeare

Partner and Principal Serious Injury Lawyer

Helen is a highly experienced senior solicitor based in Leeds.

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Nicola Saunders

Nicola Saunders

Principal Serious Injury Lawyer

Nicola is an experienced chartered legal executive dealing with serious injury claims.

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Karl De-Loyde

Karl De-Loyde

Principal Serious Injury Lawyer

Karl is a partner and a solicitor with more than 20 years’ experience. 

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 Kam Singh

Kam Singh

Senior Serious Injury Lawyer

Kam is a senior serious injury lawyer, based in Thompsons Solicitors’ London office.

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Laura Harper

Laura Harper

Principal Serious Injury Lawyer

Laura is a serious injury claims specialist based in Nottingham.

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What our clients say

"Thompsons Solicitors really did fight my corner; they were very patient with me as I tried to rebuild my life after the amputation.” Matthew, our amputation client

Frequently asked questions about amputation claims

If you have lost a limb as a result of an injury that wasn’t your fault, you may be entitled to make an amputation compensation claim.

Contact our specialist amputation lawyers for free, no-obligation advice about whether you can make a claim.

There is a three-year limit on making an amputation claim. This means you have three years from the date of your accident to make a claim for loss of limb compensation, although there are some limited exceptions to this rule. We advise speaking to our amputation claims lawyers as soon as possible if you're thinking about starting a claim.

We have a range of funding options available to help fund your loss of limb claim. If you are a trade union member, your membership means that you get free legal advice and representation from our amputation claims lawyers.

If you are not a trade union member, there are other ways to fund your claim, including a conditional fee agreement, also known as ‘no win, no fee’. When you make a no win, no fee amputation claim, you will only pay legal fees if your claim is successful. Our amputation solicitors will explain all fees and charges to you before you decide if you want us to take your case forward – call 0800 0 224 224 to find out more about our fees.

The amount of compensation you can expect to receive depends on your individual case. However, you can rest assured that we will do all that we can to secure the maximum compensation we can get you.

When calculating your compensation, our expert lawyers will take into account the medical expenses and loss of earnings incurred, as well as the physical and emotional impact your injury and amputation have had on you and your family.

Your compensation claim will compensate you for any financial losses your injury has caused, as well as the emotional impact it has had on you and your family’s lives. This will include any financial losses incurred because you are unable to work or medical expenses you face as a result of being in and out of the hospital.

We’ll make sure you are compensated for any care needs and adaptations to your surroundings. At Thompsons, we work with leading charities and support groups to ensure you have access to the best care possible.

We understand the impact an amputation can have on you and your family. That’s why wherever possible, we will seek to secure an interim payment to help you cover the cost of any medical expenses or adaptations that need to be made to your home following your injury. 

How can I make a claim with Thompsons’ amputation solicitors?

If you would like to make an amputation compensation claim, the first step is to contact our serious injury lawyers for free, no-obligation legal advice.

We will discuss your circumstances and let you know if we think you have a good chance of winning compensation. We will also explain the claim process, including any fees and charges.

To speak to us about making a claim, you can fill in our online claim form and one of our legal experts will be in touch to discuss your case. Alternatively, call us on 0800 0 224 224 to speak to our amputation lawyers.