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green armoured tank in an empty grass field

Mark's story

Mark’s story

Mark was taking part in a “medicine man” exercise in Canada in a Main Battle Tank (MBT). He ended up 1,000 metres in front of the others, which put him in a danger area and he was injured when thrown to the back of the vehicle he was in.

Mark said: “The injury that I have is muscular. I can't lift anything.

“I used to play and coach rugby, but have had to give it up. The MoD denied liability and we had to go to trial. I never thought I would be in a situation where I would have to take the Army to court.

“I am just grateful that I had lawyers on my side to bring the Army to account and secure proper compensation for me so I could get on and start a new life. I was very pleased with the settlement.”

“I am just grateful that I had lawyers on my side to bring the Army to account and secure proper compensation for me so I could get on and start a new life."

Mark our accident at work client