A cyclist has received almost £17,000 in compensation after she suffered serious injuries following an accident whilst commuting to work. 

The 59-year-old from Wrexham broke her upper left arm and was left with extensive facial bruising following the accident in January 2008. 

The keen leisure cyclist has been unable to get back on a bike since the accident. 

She was off work for eight weeks and had to wear an arm brace for five months. She still suffers from weakness in her grip and permanent stiffness in her shoulder.

Cyclist was thrown over the handle bars

The accident was caused by a sunken drain which had become flooded and hid a gaping hole in the road. Her front wheel hit the hole and she was thrown over the handle bars.

Following the accident she contacted personal injury claims experts Thompsons Solicitors to pursue a claim for compensation. 

Thompsons argued that Wrexham Maelor Borough Council should have regularly inspected the road for defects and made the appropriate repairs.

Council admitted liability for accident

The council admitted liability and settled the claim out of court.

The client said: “I decided to claim compensation because my injuries caused me such horrific pain. I used to cycle to work regularly and I would also use my bike to go to the shops but sadly this accident has meant I’ll never get on a bike again, it has knocked all of my confidence. I’m scared I will fall off and break something again.

“I contacted Thompsons Solicitors after looking them up in the Yellow Pages. They have been fantastic in settling this claim for me.”

Sarah Wilkinson from Thompsons Solicitors added: “Our client has had the pleasure and convenience of cycling to work destroyed by this council’s failure to have any reasonable inspection programme in place for its roads. This claim should be a wake-up call to the council to think about how to make their highways safer for all users.”