Mesothelioma Compensation
Thompsons Solicitors has obtained compensation for the family of a nuclear mathematician who died from asbestos cancer mesothelioma.
The 74-year-old sadly died just a few weeks after being diagnosed with the cancer of the lining of the lungs in July 2009.
Mesothelioma is caused by exposure to asbestos and there is no known cure for the aggressive disease.
The dad of three and granddad of two was exposed to asbestos whilst working at a nuclear power plant in Cheshire from 1957 to 1959. His job involved assembling test rigs to be used in nuclear reactors where asbestos insulation was present.
He was never warned about the dangers of asbestos nor given any protection.
After spending two years in nuclear research he went on to work in Air Traffic Control until he retired at 60.
Thompsons Solicitors are asbestos compensation experts
When he was diagnosed with mesothelioma he contacted asbestos compensation experts Thompsons Solicitors for advice. He gave Thompsons a detailed description of his exposure to asbestos but sadly died soon after.
His wife continued the claim on his behalf.
Thompsons successfully settled the claim against his former employer for substantial, six figure compensation.
His wife said: “My husband only worked with asbestos for two years when he was a young man but it was more than long enough for him to die from this terrible disease. He became seriously ill extremely quickly and didn’t have a chance to put his affairs in order. It was important to him to claim compensation for his family and I wanted to do our best to fulfil his wishes.”
Tony Hood from Thompsons Solicitors added: “Mesothelioma is an aggressive cancer and in many cases clients are too ill to see the end result of their claim. This client was determined to pursue compensation against his former employers and we are pleased we have been able to do so successfully on behalf of his family.”
Asbestos disease diagnosis? Talk to us for advice and support on how to secure compensation.
If you or a loved one have been diagnosed with an asbestos-related disease, we can support you with advice on how to make a claim.
The process will be explained in plain English and with no obligation – our priority is to provide you with the best, expert advice on whether you have a valid case for compensation, and to signpost you to further sources of support.
There are strict time limits applied to making a claim – usually three years from the date of diagnosis. It doesn’t matter if the exposure to asbestos took place – as it often does – decades ago, the three year time limit applies to the date of knowledge of diagnosis or date of death.
For further information, visit our How to Make A Compensation Claim page.