John Cosgrove, 78, was exposed to asbestos during the course of his employment at two separate firms between 1967 and 1974.

Working at these companies, John frequently came into contact with asbestos based lagging on pipes. However, despite the devastating effects of asbestos being well known at the time, neither he nor his colleagues were provided with any form of protective equipment.

In 2011, John attended a doctor’s appointment with his wife, who was at the time being treated for cancer. His wife’s doctor noticed John was experiencing breathlessness. Following a series of medical tests, the doctor diagnosed John with asbestosis.

He contacted Thompsons Solicitors, a leading firm of industrial disease specialists, for support in bringing his former employers to book.

At the time that the claim was launched, both companies had long since been dissolved leading Thompsons to conduct extensive investigations to trace the insurance firms responsible for the now-defunct employers.

Extensive negotiations followed and an offer was made to John before court proceedings were issued. On the advice of Thompsons, John rejected the insurers’ initial offer. Thompsons went on to secure an increased award of compensation. They also protected his right to claim again in the event that his asbestosis deteriorates, or if he develops asbestos-related cancer.

Mr Cosgrove said: “I used to be quite an active person but now I get breathless very easily. Asbestosis limits everything I do and I simply cannot enjoy my life in the same way. I can’t thank Thompsons Solicitors enough for their hard work and commitment to my case.”

Joanne Candlish Head of the Liverpool specialist Asbestos Team of Thompsons Solicitors, who handled John’s case said: “This case was particularly testing as before we could do anything, we had to track down insurers for two separate companies which no longer existed.

“While some other lawyers would have dropped this case at the first hurdle, Thompsons has the specialist expertise, resources, and the commitment needed to bring such claims for asbestos disease to a successful conclusion.”