A former Mayor of the Cynon Valley is calling for his former work colleagues to come forward after developing asbestos cancer.

William Pearson, 75, was diagnosed with an asbestos-related cancer, mesothelioma, in August 2012.

There is no cure for mesothelioma and many sufferers die just months following diagnosis.

William, from Aberdare, who was Mayor of the Cynon Valley from 1989 to 1990, has instructed asbestos claims specialists, Thompsons Solicitors, to investigate a claim against his former employer.

It is believed he was exposed to asbestos while working as a fitter’s mate and then a fitter in the maintenance department at Aberdare Cables Ltd., a small holding of International Combustion Ltd. in Derby, from 1958 to 1965.

Aberdare Cables Ltd

The great grandfather wants anyone who worked at Aberdare Cables Ltd to come forward with information about the working environment during the time he was employed there.

He was diagnosed with mesothelioma after going to his doctor suffering from breathlessness. He said it was a shock to be told he has a fatal cancer.

He added: “It is important to me to find out more information about my exposure to asbestos and I would urge anyone who remembers working with me to get in touch”.

Eamonn McDonough from Thompsons Solicitors, added: “Mesothelioma is a devastating disease caused by exposure to asbestos.

“Information from Mr Pearson's former work colleagues will help to build a picture of his working conditions. Anyone who worked there at the time should get in touch.”

Anyone with any information should contact Eamonn McDonough on 0800 0 224 224 or email enquiries@thompsons.law.co.uk.