A Hampshire man who developed a lung condition as a result of working with asbestos has received provisional compensation.

He was employed as an electrician for a car manufacturer in Dagenham from the 1940s until 1986, and was exposed to asbestos doing maintenance work on boilers and when he worked near colleagues, who would manually remove asbestos lagging from pipework.

At no point in his career was he provided with protective equipment (PPE). He was never warned about the potentially fatal risks of working with asbestos.

In 2014, he was rushed to hospital after suffering from a suspected heart attack. However, tests later confirmed that his breathing difficulties were caused by fluid on the lung, which led to him being diagnosed with asbestosis.

He contacted asbestos disease specialists, Thompsons Solicitors, who investigated his work history in order to make a compensation claim.

His daughter said: “My dad was a loyal employee for more than 40 years, yet the company he worked for failed to consider the affect that asbestos exposure would have on his health. Instead, he was allowed to work unprotected, which unnecessarily caused him to develop this awful condition.

“Although my dad started his claim with Thompsons, his poor health meant that I would often speak to his lawyer, Jackie, on his behalf. She couldn’t have been more helpful – she explained the entire process and kept us updated every step of the way.

“Seeing my dad struggle like this has been horrible, so the support of Thompsons has been a huge help in relieving the stress during this tough time.”

Jackie Wood, of Thompsons Solicitors, said: “Our client was first exposed to asbestos almost 70 years ago, which just goes to show the length of time that can pass between exposure to asbestos and the diagnosis of related conditions, such as asbestosis and mesothelioma.

“We were able to secure a provisional settlement for our client, meaning that he can re-open his case against his negligent employer should his health get worse.”