The friends of a widow who died from an aggressive form of cancer associated with exposure to asbestos are seeking information from anyone who might know anything about her working conditions.

79 year old Jean Cooper, from Teignmouth, died just a little over 12 months after she was diagnosed with mesothelioma, an incurable cancer which affects the lining of the lungs.

Employed at Wonford Hospital on Barrack Road, Wonford in Exeter from 1973

Mrs Cooper was employed as a switchboard supervisor at the now-demolished Wonford Hospital on Barrack Road, Wonford in Exeter from 1973.

Jean’s friends believe she was exposed to the dust while the hospital was under construction before she left the hospital in 1974.

Following her diagnosis Jean instructed Thompsons Solicitors to investigate a claim for compensation. Since Jean died in November 2012, her friends have continued to search for answers which could shed light on her untimely death.

Appeal for anyone who may have worked on the construction or maintenance of the hospital

They are now making an appeal across Exeter for anyone who may have worked on the construction or maintenance of the hospital to contact Thompsons Solicitors with information about when or where asbestos was used at the hospital.

Jean’s close friend, Howard Leach said: “Jean was shocked by her diagnosis – working on the switchboards, it didn’t even cross her mind that she could be at risk from an industrial disease. I remember her saying that the hospital was an extremely dusty environment while it was being built and that she often worked alongside the builders, so maybe that was when she was exposed.

“If anyone knows anything about the use of asbestos in the hospital, please get in touch.”

Vital that we build up a picture of Mrs Cooper’s exposure to asbestos

Amanda Jones from Thompsons Solicitors added: “It is vital that we build up a picture of Mrs Cooper’s exposure to asbestos. If Jean was exposed to asbestos dust during her short time while working at the hospital, her colleagues may have vital information.

“We would urge anyone who worked on the construction or subsequent maintenance of Wonford Hospital to contact us with information which could help us piece together what happened.”

Anyone who can help can contact Amanda Jones on 0800 0 224 224 or by email on: