A 73 year old ex-employee of a major UK boiler manufacturer has secured significant compensation after it emerged he contracted an incurable cancer linked to asbestos during his time working at a Worcester factory.

Frederick Penn, from Worcester, was employed by the engineering company for over 25 years, five of which were spent working in an environment thick with asbestos dust without any protection.

The married father-of-two spent a number of years assembling wall-mounted boilers during the 1970s, a role which included handling sheets of asbestos on a regular basis.

He began to display symptoms of poor health in 2012 and was diagnosed with mesothelioma – an incurable cancer which affects the lining of the lungs – in May of that year.

Industrial disease specialists Thompsons Solicitors

Frederick contacted industrial disease specialists Thompsons Solicitors who were successful in settling the case out of court.

Mr Penn said: “I worked for the firm for almost thirty years so when I was diagnosed with mesothelioma I knew that I’d been exposed to the stuff during my career there. When I thought back over my work history I remembered spending five years working with the asbestos boards. I wasn’t given any protective equipment and nobody warned me that years later it would affect my health the way it has.

“I worked hard for many years to ensure financial security for my wife and family and to be diagnosed with cancer as a result of my job is a bitter blow. It was very important to me to claim compensation, not for me but for my wife. I had to make sure she would be cared for in the future.”

Dave Fisher from Thompsons Solicitors who represented Mr Penn said: “The legacy of asbestos in the Midlands has meant that too many people have been left suffering from asbestos-related diseases like mesothelioma. We know how important it is for sufferers to claim compensation during their lifetime so they can make provisions for their family, and are pleased we’ve been able to achieve this outcome for Mr Penn.”