Police and crime commissioners (PCCs) are the latest to join the many organisations who have spoken out in protest over the government’s refusal to reconsider the drink drive limit.

Earlier this month, the Transport Minister, Andrew Jones, confirmed that he would not be pursuing a change in legislation in England and Wales, despite 240 deaths last year being attributed to a crash involving a driver under the influence of alcohol.

The PCCs have come out in support of bringing the alcohol limit in England and Wales in line with Scotland, meaning it would be cut by a third.

England and Wales currently has one of the highest drink-driving limit in Europe, alongside Malta, and the Road Safety Act has not been changed since its introduction in 1967.

There have been repeated calls for changing the law in England and Wales but the Transport Minister has concluded that the current limit strikes the “balance between safety and personal freedom”.

Police forces across the country have expressed their disappointment that the legislation will not be reviewed. Alcohol experts, charities, and the families of victims of drink-drive accidents have all expressed disbelief that their calls for change have been ignored.

David Robinson, a specialist road traffic accident solicitor at Thompsons Solicitors, said: “The wide range of public and private bodies who have now come out in support of changing the drink-driving limit shows the level of concern and the breadth of support.

“As elected representatives, politicians have a responsibility to reflect the wishes of the electorate, and currently, the government is ignoring public opinion. The statistics speak for themselves, and this issue needs to be put on the government’s priority list.

“The government is aligning itself with legislation that was created decades ago, and by doing so, showing that it is out-of-touch, out-of-date, but most worryingly, blithely ignoring the devastating impact on hundreds of lives.”