An innovative bike light has been developed to alert motorists if a cyclist is in their blind spot.

The ‘Blaze’ light, created by Brighton University design student, Emily Brooke, projects a laser image of a bicycle onto the road 5m ahead of a cyclist so that motorists are aware that the cyclist is in their blind spot.

Inspiration for the light came to Ms Brooke when she was cycling and realised that the driver of a lorry in front of her couldn’t see her, and she could potentially be crushed if the driver turned left.

During 2013, there were 14 cyclist fatalities in London, nine of which involved heavy goods vehicles. There was also a two week period where six cyclists died in London in November 2013 and already this year there has been another death caused by a lorry.

The ‘Blaze’ light is available from UK-wide cycle chain, Evans Cycles, and retails for £125.

Head of policy at Thompson Solicitors, Tom Jones, said: “Lorries are a very real and serious danger to cyclists. The issue is often their limited vision, and this product is designed to combat exactly that.

“The ‘Blaze’ light could potentially help reduce countless numbers of serious injuries, and even fatalities, from road traffic accidents.

“This is a very exciting product which adds to a regular flow of gadgets available for cyclists to help protect themselves, and sadly the current government seems more than happy to rely on cyclists spending their own money to protect themselves rather than making changes that could protect everyone including those who can’t afford anything more than basic safety equipment.

“If we are to see a genuine reduction in the number of road traffic accidents involving cyclists the government needs to increase its spending on cycling safety, which remains far below the recommended £10 per capita.”