Naomi is a dedicated trainee solicitor based in the Manchester office. Joining the firm in May 2021, she began her journey as a paralegal in the medical negligence team. 

Before this, Naomi had already honed her skills by working on large group litigations against multinational corporations in 2018. These cases included high-profile disputes, such as the Volkswagen NOx Emissions, British Airways data breach claims, and medical product litigation, specifically the vaginal mesh litigation.

Completing her law degree in 2017, Naomi continued her educational pursuits by gaining a master’s in International Human Rights Law at Liverpool University. During this time, she lent her burgeoning legal expertise to the cause of asylum seekers and refugees. Working within the university’s award-winning Law Clinic and volunteering with several charities outside of her studies, she was able to provide support to those who needed it most.

Since joining Thompsons, Naomi has commenced a training contract to become a solicitor. She has been integral to the serious injuries department, contributing to cases involving complex and life-changing injuries.

Naomi takes great pride in being a part of Thompsons, a firm aligned with her values and passion for social justice. She appreciates the firm's unwavering commitment to supporting only those suffering injury and injustice.

Outside of her professional commitments, Naomi enjoys a wide range of activities. She relishes spending quality time with friends and family, embarking on travel adventures, taking long walks with her dog, and maintaining her fitness through gym workouts and sports like badminton.